Tiger Woods’ ex-girlfriend files a lawsuit, claiming there is a home sharing agreement

Tiger Woods’ ex-girlfriend files a lawsuit, claiming there is a home sharing agreement

FLORIDA: Tiger Woods’ lawyer denies the top golfer and his ex-girlfriend Erica Herman have a shared home in Florida.

Citing the BBC , Herman is reported to be resolving financial issues amounting to $30 million (RM135.6 million) entrusted to Woods. She claimed she was tricked into packing her bags to go on holiday before the residence was locked.

In the meantime, Herman claimed that the undisclosed agreement was signed by Woods in 2017 which, among other things, stated that any legal disputes should be settled out of court.

Herman, who managed Woods’ restaurant before their relationship, has also filed two lawsuits in Martin County, Florida.

Herman argued that the nondisclosure agreement (NDA) he signed was invalid because of a new federal law that limits the enforcement of NDAs in cases of sexual harassment or abuse.

At the same time, Herman is also suing the Jupiter Island Irrevocable Homestead Trust, which Woods controls, alleging the 15-time golf champion breached an oral agreement that allowed her to live in the home with her two children.

Herman claims she was allowed to live there rent-free including expenses during their six-year relationship in exchange for personal services rendered to Woods.

At the same time, the agreement still has five years left after they separated.

Nevertheless, Woods’ lawyer argued that she was a “guest” who was “invited” to stay with him.

“Woods never negotiated an oral rental agreement with Herman. Nor was there ever a written tenancy agreement,” his lawyer said in a court filing.

The document says that Woods told Herman on October 13 of last year that he was ending their relationship.

“Woods arranged for Herman to stay at a local luxury resort and provided funds that she could apply for a new residence,” the document added.

Earlier, the Court documents were revealed a month before Mr Woods was in Georgia for the Masters Tournament.


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