The Content Forum is ready to cooperate with Fahmi Fadzil in self-regulatory efforts

The Content Forum is ready to cooperate with Fahmi Fadzil in self-regulatory efforts

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Content Forum (Content Forum) would like to congratulate the Honorable Ahmad Fahmi Mohamed Fadzil on his appointment as Minister of Communications and Digital.

As an industry forum established under the Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), we welcome his presence and are ready to cooperate in matters related to self-regulation, especially involving the content ecosystem in Malaysia including broadcasting, digital and social media.

Following on from that, we are very happy with YB Fahmi Fadzil’s commitment to deal with pressing issues in today’s digital space including online fraud and the protection of personal data on the internet as one of his main focuses. We also commend the swift and prompt action on his part to address the recent outcry over provocative social media content.

Taking into account our main mission to promote self-regulation, we are also concerned about the same issues regarding internet security and the latest issues in social media, including initiatives to curb the spread of fake news, provocative content, hate speech and extremism as have been outlined in the recently published Content Code 2022.

Content Forum has established close cooperation with various social media platforms, including TikTok to work together to raise awareness and encourage social media users to practice self-regulation in the production, transmission and sharing of any content.

As one of the entities that strives for self-regulation, the Content Forum consists of the main players in the communication and multimedia content industry, including broadcasters, advertisers, advertising bodies, content creators, internet access service providers and civic groups. This dynamic and strong coalition of industry practitioner representatives ensures that content standards continue to be developed towards creating a fair and equitable playing field capable of promoting competitive and sustainable growth in the industry.

The Ministry’s rebranding to emphasize Communication and Digital signifies the increasing importance of the interconnectedness of community life in an increasingly connected world, as well as proving the need for self-regulation in the digital world. We believe this is also in line with SKMM’s vision to create a communications and multimedia industry that is competitive, efficient and emphasizes self-regulation to remain relevant with the passage of time.

The Content Forum always welcomes industry players and the public to join us at the Content Forum in an effort to build a safe content ecosystem for all.

We are always ready to work with YB Fahmi Fadzil and the Ministry of Communications and Digital in an effort to realize our shared goals.

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