In the US, a hotline helps young people overcome their fast fashion addiction

In the US, a hotline helps young people overcome their fast fashion addiction

A report on the buying habits of American Gen Zers revealed an unhealthy relationship with disposable clothing

ARE you a fast fashion addict looking to do a detox? A hotline has just been set up in the United States to support young consumers in their efforts to stop buying disposable fashion, considered extremely polluting and harmful to the environment.

The initiative comes from second-hand retailer ThredUp in collaboration with ‘Stranger Things’ star Priah Ferguson.

As popular as it is controversial, fast fashion is the target of a new large-scale campaign, which takes the form of a hotline in the United States.

The second-hand platform ThredUp has gone all out by teaming up with young American actress Priah Ferguson, known for her role in the hit Netflix series ‘Stranger Things’, to raise awareness among teenagers about the evils of fast fashion.

This initiative follows the publication of a report on the buying habits of American Gen Zers, which revealed an unhealthy relationship with disposable clothing for many of them.

A deep-rooted addiction

Conducted in collaboration with GlobalData, the survey indicated that one out of three Generation Z shoppers describes themselves as a fast fashion addict.

A finding that some people may find disturbing and/or surprising, but which above all demonstrates the need for this age group to access new trends at a lower cost, despite a deep concern for the environment. Indeed members of Gen Z are well aware of the environmental impact of fast fashion.

More than one out of two young people interviewed (51%) say they want to stop or reduce their purchases of fast fashion, justifying this position by the desire to turn to more sustainable and ethical fashion.

But the lure of attractive prices – even ridiculous prices – seems stronger, since almost half of the respondents consider it difficult to resist such ephemeral fashions.

As a result, ThredUp is tackling the issue head-on with the launch of its “Fast Fashion Confessional Hotline.” While the launch of a hotline to end fast fashion may sound like a joke, the initiative is actually very serious.

The second-hand platform has called on American actress Priah Ferguson to encourage the younger generation, through messages distributed through hotline which can be reached via 1-855-THREDUP, to “break up with fast fashion for good” and “embrace more sustainable shopping habits.”

A large-scale campaign

It didn’t take long for the hotline number to make the rounds of social networks, promoted by the ‘Stranger Things’ actress, but also through contests offered on various platforms, including Instagram.

‘Fast fashion addicts’ are even invited to leave confessional voice messages to recount their ‘fast fashion sins.’ Not content with listening to Priah Ferguson’s advice, consumers can also discover her selection of back-to-school clothes on ThredUp.

“I’m a huge fan of fashion and getting the latest trends, but I also care about keeping our planet healthy and strong. I’m very excited to partner with thredUP. After learning how bad fast fashion is for the environment, I decided to take a break from shopping that way.

“I hope this hotline inspires people to change their shopping habits and think about thrifting. Even small changes can make a big difference for our future,” the actress explains in a press release.

Clearly, while this initiative may attack the evils of fast fashion, it also aims to promote second-hand shopping or thrifting, which can extend the lifespan of clothing provided it’s not overconsumed.

But of course, second-hand is not the only alternative that enables fashion fans to consume in a more reasonable way.

Focusing on certain sustainable materials, such as hemp and linen, as well as opting for upcycling, 3D printing, and even repairing clothes instead of throwing them away, are all solutions for making a wardrobe more sustainable.

Some fashion players, like Clear Fashion, also offer consumers the opportunity to make more informed purchases by providing a breakdown of a piece’s environmental, ethical or health impact.

Alternatives that could over time draw the public away from fast fashion. However, there is one element, and not the most insignificant, to take into account: inflation.

The rise in prices in many sectors could reshuffle the cards, in one way or another, by favouring services intended to increase the lifespan of clothing, or, on the contrary, by encouraging a model based on very low prices to the detriment of the working conditions of employees and the planet.

source – ETX Daily Up

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