‘There are no more tears to cry’ – Zaiton Sameon shares his life story

‘There are no more tears to cry’ – Zaiton Sameon shares his life story

ONCE upon a time, the name of singer Zaiton Sameon was very high in the minds of the country’s art industry. But after a black incident that killed his only child, the late Azirwan Abu Bakar who was just 13 years old at the time.

As a result of the incident, the singer who was popular with the song Menaruh Harapan was in a coma and subsequently suffered severe emotional disturbances in addition to memory loss.

Now that the black event has passed 33 years ago, Zaiton Sameon admits that her life is now like the songs he had sung before because the lyrics sung in some songs seem to describe the sad story of her life’s journey.

“I was very moved by the attention of the people but could not cry. there are no more tears to cry.

“All my songs have something to do with my life right? Berendam Airmata, Menaruh Harapan and Diriku yang tersingkir,” she said again.

Recalling the dark moment of the accident that befell her some 33 years ago, Zaiton said she never asked for any help from the artists’ association.

During that period, no party took notice of her welfare as an artist.

“They should know about my progress right?

“Why is it that when I was in the hospital everyone was fighting to come, but after I left the hospital, no help was given,” she said.

What makes Zaiton sadder is when someone claims she can no longer sing.

In fact, the statement was issued by a fellow artist of her generation.

“There was an individual who brought his mouth to tell the organizer that I can no longer sing and was called ‘lalok’.

“I can still sing, remember the lyrics,” she said.

At the end of last year, Zaiton Sameon was given an OKU Holder Card.


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