Aidilfitri: Fans looking for Mamat Khalid’s grave
THE DEPARTURE of the country’s leading film director Mamat Khalid to the eternal state in October last year has indeed had a big impact.
The loss of the director is not only mourned by the country’s film industry activists, but also fans who always miss his work.
The barrier of longing is felt even more when Aidilfitri which is celebrated this year is not embroidered with happy laughter and sweet smile.
The Wakaf Masjid Paloh Islamic Cemetery, Ipoh is the location for them to release their longing for the late, this Syawal.
The widow of the late, Hasmah Hassan admitted hiba with the presence of people at her husband’s grave.
“There are fans of the late who came from Sungai Petani, Kedah.
“I can see that one of them is an autistic child who is very interested in the work of the late.
“The brother with autism can memorize the script in the movie Hantu Kak Limah,” he shared to Astro AWANI.
Also visiting the grave of the late were celebrity friends such as singer and radio presenter, Asmawi Ani or Mawi.
He also shared a photo of visiting the grave of the late to Astro AWANI.
Hasmah at the same time also appreciated Astro AWANI’s comprehensive report during the funeral of the late – thus making it easier for the public, especially fans to know the location of the cemetery.
source – Harits Asyraf Hasnan