Terengganu government sets entertainment program guidelines

Terengganu government sets entertainment program guidelines

KUALA TERENGGANU: The Terengganu government always sets clear guidelines for any party that wants to organize any program, especially in the form of entertainment in the state to ensure that it does not go beyond the limits.

State Tourism, Culture and Digital Technology Committee Chairman Ariffin Deraman said the state government is open to accepting any program organization, but it needs to take into account the sensitivity of religion and society in the state.

“Actually, it’s good (program/carnival), but there has to be a condition… if there is no notification from the state government, when something happens (out of bounds), it is the state government that is criticized,” he told reporters at a press conference in conjunction with the Jom Heboh Carnival. Terengganu 2022 is here today.

He said apart from ensuring that each program follows the guidelines set, the state government also hopes that the visitors can maintain their own manners when they are at the public event.

According to him, the state government has received many applications for the organization of various entertainment programs including for filming in Terengganu, but some programs had to be rejected after taking into account the state’s community atmosphere.

Meanwhile, regarding the carnival that will take place on Oct 7 to 8 at the Terengganu State Sports Complex, Kuala Nerus, Ariffin said his party would coordinate the matter with the religious office and deploy enforcement officers to monitor the program.

“To protect the good name of the organizers and the state government, there are also voluntary parties who volunteer to monitor the program to ensure that the program is ‘cute’ and the attendance is good.

“We hope that this program can be held under controlled conditions… the state government also hopes that the parties involved can take care of the sensitivity of Muslims because the day before the program, the Maulidur Rasul program is held,” he said.

Among the guidelines set for the organization of the program include that only male artists are allowed to perform on stage, the selection of artists and songs must be approved by the state government as well as the separation of places and visitor spaces into family rooms, men and women.

In addition, the artists, celebrities and traders involved must cover their private parts and dress modestly, while the karaoke competition is only allowed for male participants, while for female participants, only girls aged 12 and under are allowed to participate.

source – BERNAMA


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