Lenggong Geopark’s goal is to gain global recognition by 2024

Lenggong Geopark’s goal is to gain global recognition by 2024

LENGGONG: Lenggong Geopark is targeted for global recognition by 2024.

Member of Parliament for Lenggong, Datuk Seri Shamsul Anuar Nasarah said, for that purpose, an informal committee has been established.

According to him, so far the geopark has nine geoecologies and five international geosites.

“This already has the criteria to allow us to gain recognition at the global level. It is the same as the one in Langkawi and also in Mount Kinabalu,” he said after officiating the 2022 Lenggong Geopark Festival at the Lenggong Cultural Site here, today.

According to him, apart from that, there are several other geosites, geoecology, geofood that just need added value.

“One of the things to add value to is infrastructure development and information about it,” he said.

Lenggong Geopark got national upgrade on 16 December last year, and is the second in Perak, after Kinta Geopark.

Shamsul Anuar said that since a year ago, the area received many tourists, thus creating many places to stay.

However, he said, it is still not enough to accommodate the arrival of tourism, especially when there are international level programs.

“We hope that in the future, external investment from large companies will come to create an international standard accommodation area with stars,” he said.

He added that the existence of such an accommodation center can encourage the organization of programs such as seminars or international standards.


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