Cham, Adeep, Hakim and Fakhiz will not use the  VE name

Cham, Adeep, Hakim and Fakhiz will not use the VE name

NOT using the VE group name again does not mean that Cham, Adeep Nahar, Hakim and Fakhiz will split and go their separate ways.

In fact, Cham said they will never stop fighting and will come up with a new group name since they are already planning to release two singles.

“The four of us will continue to walk forward, God willing. And we also have many plans together, which originally wanted to continue with the name VE

“But we don’t want to take away people’s rights, so let us give in. We are also planning to hold a showcase, tour series and even a single using a different name.

“We will announce the name of the group later,” he said.

Sharing about the song to be released, Hakim said that one of their singles will be a collaboration with fellow R&B singers.

“God willing, one of the two singles we will release this year will involve friends from the R&B arena as well. Our purpose for doing this, is to inspire the next generation that groups like this are still relevant.

“Because we see now there are rarely groups like this. So the target of the four of us after this is bigger, and this controversial issue is just a distraction. It will not discourage us,” he said.

Earlier, Adeep, Cham, Hakim and Fakhiz announced their resignation from the VE group through a press conference at HMO Space in Petaling Jaya.

It follows VE member Zaf asking them to use another group name if they want to be active in the art industry after joining Gegar Vaganza 9 (GV9).

Zaf reasoned that Cham, Adeep, Hakim and Fakriz were not the original members of the harmonious vocal group that was established in 1997.

On the other hand, Zaf claimed, he founded VE together with Shah and Lah then Cham joined VE in 2000 followed by Damian Mikhail in 2003.

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