Pet Acoustics Announces – The 1st Singing DogGrammy Award Contest

Pet Acoustics Announces – The 1st Singing DogGrammy Award Contest

NEW YORK, May 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — It’s time for singing dogs to get their spotlight and Pet Acoustics is celebrating this canine ability with an award and prizes for the most talented canine!

Pet Tunes Canine

Contestants can post a 30 second video of your singing pooch on Our team at Pet Acoustics will announce the winner on June 15th in a Live!! Event at 12PM on The winner receives $250.00 plus (1) Pet Tunes Canine for all day calm, (1) Ultra Calmer Collar for thunderstorm and firework soothing, (1) Fit Tunes Dog for fun music walks with your dog and a stylin’ Pet Acoustics logo Hat.

“We’re excited to focus on our canine friends who engage us with their entertaining vocalizations and human bond communications. Pet Acoustics is all about environmental sounds, music and pet hearing. We didn’t invent music but we perfected it for pets! So to celebrate our core value of the best for animals, we wanted to have a fun way to celebrate our canine friends.” Janet Marlow, CEO,

How to participate:
Record your dog singing

Go to this Link:
Post the video on Send Message with your dog’s name and your email address
Join the Pet Acoustics Award Event Live!! on June 15th on with the announcement of the talented canine winner!!

For more information visit Pet Acoustics Blog – Inquiries write to [email protected]

About Pet Acoustics
Pet Acoustics Inc. is a leader in the field of animal hearing, a global award-winning brand since 2009. We are #1 biometrically proven! We continue to innovate clinically tested products that promote behavioral balance for animal well-being. Janet Marlow, Founder, leads breakthrough research in a new field of understanding of how environmental sounds and animal acute hearing affects behavior and health in canines, felines, equines and avines.

Media Contact:
Janet Marlow
[email protected]
P.O. Box 26 Washington Depot, CT 06794


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