Kelantan floods: The beauty of Tok Bali Beach is affected, demanding immediate attention

Kelantan floods: The beauty of Tok Bali Beach is affected, demanding immediate attention

Garbage that was washed up on the beach after being washed away by the waves following the North East Monsoon season marred the scenery at the tourist area of ​​Tok Bali Beach, Pasir Puteh, during a survey yesterday.

PASIR PUTEH: During the flood disaster on the east coast it is now seen that it is gradually recovering, Tok Bali Beach which is often the focus of local and foreign visitors because of its beauty before, now appears with a different face.

The survey found that there were piles of rubbish all over the surface of the sandy beach such as plastic bottles, rotting wood and dry leaves, and the average visitor was clearly shocked, because they did not expect the situation to change at all.

A visitor from Johor Bahru, Siti Masyitah Mohd Sekeri, 30, said she who also took her children to Tok Bali beach in conjunction with the school holidays was surprised by the situation.

“The last time I came to this Tok Bali beach was about three years ago and I was reminded that the beauty of this beach will continue to wake up, but when I saw it today, I was very surprised because there was rubbish such as rotten wood and plastic bottles on the beach sand this.

“I am very sad about the state of this beach in its current state,” he said when met by Bernama, today.

Mohd Zulfadhli Rosley, 31, from Pengkalan Chepa, Kota Bharu said that the condition of the beach not being clean and well maintained will affect the tourism sector in Tok Bali, and it will not only affect the scenery on the beach but the habitat of marine life will also be disturbed.

“I hope the authorities take this matter seriously and do not neglect their responsibility to keep Tok Bali’s beach clean,” he said.

A local resident Zakaria Harun, 49, who lives near the Tok Bali beach, said the flood incident on Dec 18 caused his house to be flooded up to thigh level and he had to move to a temporary evacuation center nearby.

“The pile of rubbish at Tok Bali Beach is also believed to be caused by the recent flood and I had to clean it myself in the area around the front yard,” he said.

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