Emilia Hanafi shared her painful experience in prison

Emilia Hanafi shared her painful experience in prison

THE FORMER wife of well -known entrepreneur Datuk SM Faisal SM Nasimuddin, Emilia Hanafi, 43, has been released from Kajang Prison after serving a seven -day prison sentence.

Through the TikTok platform, a local media reported the day of Emilia’s release on Friday morning and had the opportunity to interview the mother of the three children.

In the meantime, Emilia shared an unforgettable experience during her time as a prisoner in the woman’s prison.

“On average, there are 22 people in one cell. The first day I was taken to the registry office, registration took one day.

” By the time I transferred to the transit point for quarantine, it had been four days there.

“The situation is very challenging where the room is given a barrel to urinate, share with the public and a barrel to defecate, share with the crowd, there are no barriers, everyone can see.

“It was an experience I will never forget,” she said.

Despite facing various challenges, Emilia expressed a sense of calm because she was able to make the best use of her time.

“I am thankful that I am free, but before I entered, I did jihad, I entered due to injustice.

“So when I went in, I was calm because I didn’t do anything wrong. So when in there, thank God there are no problems and obstacles to anything.

“I use my time well for myself and help other friends,” she explained.

Meanwhile, in the comments section, many citizens left words of support and positive for Emilia to remain strong in the face of allegations.

“@Wanazhar266 : If we are confident and surrender to Allah then every thing that happens has its wisdom .. be patient.”

“@Langit : O Allah, give him a reward for this misfortune, give him to change everything for the better..glorify him..raise his rank by Your side..aamin.” “@Mustaffa1970 : Prison is not a hotel. Only he and God knew what had happened. everything that passes may have its wisdom. ”

“@Eda76 : May God make everything easier for Mrs. Amy … calm and patient Amy, hopefully people who persecute will get retribution later.”

“@My mell: May you be given infinite favors because of this issue. Be strong and patient. We pray that you continue to be strong. ”
On June 27, Emilia was sentenced to seven days in jail for failing to comply with an order from the Kuala Lumpur Syariah High Court regarding the visit date of her three children.

Just for info, Emilia and Faisal got married in 2002 and were blessed with three bright eyes.

However, the couple divorced in March 2016.

Faisal is the eldest son of the founder and chairman of the Naza Group, the late SM Nasimuddin SM Amin.

source – Gempak


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