“Don’t mess with Ahmad Nawab”, popular journalist Huzz reveals secrets

“Don’t mess with Ahmad Nawab”, popular journalist Huzz reveals secrets

A popular entertainment journalist, Huzz, who often covers the work of the National Artist, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Nawab, since the early 80s, admits that the music figure is someone who is firm in his work.

Following on Facebook, Huzz shared the story of Ahmad Nawab who once rebuked the singer’s attitude for not making initial preparations before recording a song.

“With Datuk Seri Ahmad Nawab, don’t play games! The most scolded case if the artist does not make initial preparations before entering the studio. Don’t know the melody to ‘animate’ the song.

“There was once a new artist who tried his luck to record his song but then made Ahmad Nawab angry!

“The singer didn’t sing along to the tempo of the song. Already told to come back!

“That’s among the stories in front of Huzz’s eyes at the Redifussion Studio in front of the Kuala Lumpur Hospital, a long time ago. Who the artist is, let it be a secret,” he wrote after watching the pre-watch of the Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Nawab Tribute Concert at the Cultural Palace, Kuala Lumpur, on 30 June.

According to the former author of URTV Magazine, Ahmad Nawab also often praised the late Broery Marantika who was popular in the 70s.

He said, Broery is an artist who is always committed and willing enough before recording a song.

“One more thing, Ahmad Nawab (who Huzz calls Abang Mad), is an artist who is tired when he wants to enter the recording studio.

“He once told Huzz that one of the male artists who was seen as ready to be energized before recording a song (at that time) was the late Broery Marantika.
“Broery makes exercise in the studio by skipping. When recording a song full of energy,” he said again.

source – wilayahku


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