BCL’s tears spilled while singing the song 12 Most Beautiful Years

BCL’s tears spilled while singing the song 12 Most Beautiful Years

Family members of the late Ashraf Sinclair and Bunga’s family were also present to support Bunga at the BCL Blossom Intimate Concert.

KUALA LUMPUR: 12 Tahun Terindah is a song by Indonesian singer, Bunga Citra Lestari after she lost her husband, Ashraf Sinclair.

The lyrical verses written by Bunga or more affectionately called BCL himself to express her gratitude to the Almighty for giving him the opportunity to know Ashraf.

Returning to Kuala Lumpur, the place where love blossomed with the spirits, it is impossible for Bunga not to reminisce about old memories.

While singing the song 12 Year Best at the BCL Blossom Intimate Concert , Bunga was seen trying to hold back tears in front of the 2,800 spectators who attended on Friday night.

The singer who was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, stated that he was actually very excited to return to Malaysia, but it was also the moment he was looking forward to returning to her second home.

“Tonight I am actually very nervous because returning to Malaysia is not an easy thing but it is a very longed-for moment to return to my second home,” he said to the audience present.

The concert which lasted for two hours, BCL sang more or less 21 songs including Ingkar, About You, Don’t Be Crazy, I’m a Woman , Me and You , Because I Love You and Dance Tonight with her son, Noah Sinclair.

At the same time, the Plenary Hall was filled with screams from the audience when Bunga sang the song Mencari Cinta dan Mengapus Jejakmu with Ariel Noah despite only appearing on the screen.

Also present at the concert were Tengku Permaisuri Selangor, Tengku Permaisuri Norashikin Anuar Zain, Mimi Lana, Syafiq Kyle, Ella, Hanis Zalikha and Puteri Aishah.

BCL Blossom Intimate Concert presented by Icon Entertainment takes place on 27 January 2023 at the Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center.


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