Syamsul issue, Aaron Aziz: Netizens have to ‘work’ overtime
The world of domestic entertainment has been hot again for the past few days when famous actor, Datuk Aaron Aziz is said to be a victim of ‘body shaming’.
While netizens were busy studying the controversies of some of the country’s famous artists including their family stories, the episode of exchange between Aaron and Syamsul Yusof attracted a lot of attention.
It started when the controversial director, Syamsul appeared to explain the real reason Aaron was dropped from starring in the movie The Original Gangster.
According to Syamsul, there are several factors that the Singapore-born actor was not selected, including his age, health and body factors, namely obesity.
He stated that the decision was taken after hearing the views of all production parties including the producers.
Not silent, the Singapore-born actor expressed his disappointment and revealed that he had to take injections to get the ideal body weight that Syamsul wanted to make the film a success.
In fact, Aaron claimed, the injection was taken at the request of Syamsul and acted in such a way to achieve the desired body shape for the film.
Not only that, he also swore to testify to the Quran when explaining the truth about the issue, in a video recording.
It became heated when Aaron’s wife, Diyana Halik, expressed her sadness and regret at seeing her husband publicly insulted.
Diyana through a post on Instagram was surprised by the statement made by Syamsul on social media and came to defend her husband.
The latest development caused some netizens to have to work overtime to get the latest information on their favorite artist.
In fact, the list of artists that became their top search list on the internet went viral on social media.
In fact, it’s human nature to want to know more about things, especially when it comes to their favorite artists and issues of public interest.
However, as a netizen, there needs to be a limit not to mention in posting any comments so that it does not scratch the heart of any party.
Furthermore, Muslims are now entering the blessed month of Ramadan.
It is better if the available time is used with activities that can give rewards, rather than being busy finding out about the problems of their favorite artists.