Failed to wave Jalur Gemilang, 52 premises were compounded
KUANTAN: A total of 52 business premises in the state that failed to comply with the order to fly the Jalur Gemilang in conjunction with National Day and Malaysia Day were fined a total of RM26,000.
Pahang State Local Government and Housing Exco, Datuk Abd Rahim Muda said that each premises involved was subject to a compound action of RM500.
“Until now, the local authority (PBT) has issued a compound of RM26,000 for premises that failed to install Jalur Gemilang throughout the state,” he said here today.
In the meantime, he said only 2.7 percent of the 1,882 business premises in the state were found to have disobeyed the order to fly the Jalur Gemilang.
“Until now, all Pahang local governments have carried out enforcement for failing to put up flags on their respective premises under Section 107(2) of the Local Government Act 171.
“Only 2.7 percent of the 1,882 premises that were inspected did not comply (instructions). The majority still comply with the installation of flags on their respective premises,” he said.
He explained further that the PBT in this state has issued an order mandating the installation of the Jalur Gemilang in conjunction with National Day and Malaysia Day from August 16 to September 16.
“Flags installed on the premises must be in good condition, not worn or torn, and installed correctly and clearly,” he said.
source – Norfarhiza Mohd Atar