Ustaz Azhar Idrus has been allowed to go home

Ustaz Azhar Idrus has been allowed to go home

KUALA TERENGGANU: Independent speaker, Ustaz Azhar Idrus was allowed to go home after being admitted to the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital (HSNZ) ward for treatment since last Tuesday.

The development was shared by his wife, Rogayah Sulong through a post on her Facebook page on Sunday night.

“Alhamdulillah Ustaz has been ‘ discharged ‘. Thank you to the HSNZ hospital for the good service.

“Thank you also to ustaz’s crew and to all those who prayed. May ustaz recover as usual so that he can continue preaching as usual,” he wrote.

The preacher was previously admitted to the hospital believed to be receiving treatment for health problems involving the lungs.

The development of the independent speaker was shared by several leaders in Terengganu and also went viral on social media.

Exco Development of Sports, Youth and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) of the state, Wan Sukairi Wan Abdullah is reported to have said that Ustaz Azhar, also known as UAI, was admitted to hospital after complaining of being unwell.

According to him, the speaker’s health improved after undergoing treatment at the hospital.

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