Two shutterbugs and a show

Two shutterbugs and a show

The natural world through the eyes of Eric Peris and KF Choy

MOTHER nature is often overlooked, but when visually captured at the right moment and with skillful technique, its resonance becomes indisputable.

As evident during a photo exhibition hosted at Sutra Gallery showcasing the works of two celebrated photographers, Eric Peris and KF Choy, ‘Mother Nature’s Art’ is a poignant celebration of our natural world.

Cyril Pereira, former publisher of Asia Magazine shared in a forward of the exhibition: “Eric discovers abstract patterns of Nature. KF Choy conjures abstracts from image magic.

“Both interpret Mother Nature’s Art very differently. This show of eight images each will amuse, intrigue, puzzle, and please viewers and collectors, don’t expect the obvious or predictable.”

The Vibes Culture & Lifestyle caught up with both the seasoned photographers to understand deeper their creative intent.

The art of seeing

Self-taught Peris first started painting at a very young age with close guidance from his father in school, but found a deep interest in photography instead and decided to make it his life-long passion.

“When I first started out, my parents would tell me whatever I do, the idea must be your own to claim and not someone else’s. If it’s not, then you are not thinking.

“It is a tall order, but one that I have held on dear to until today,” he said.

“The art of seeing is an important rule to take note of.

“A painter will take about two to three weeks to complete one work. For a photographer, it is through one click. So how much thought goes into a click is important.

“This was invaluable advice shared by my father as it taught me to not rush my work,” added the veteran.

Noting that he has done a total of 43 solo exhibitions to date, Peris reminisced about his first-ever solo exhibition as a photographer after being charmed by Thai windows and doorways back in the 80s.

His parents, while continuously providing support, also gave steady reminders in pushing him to deliver his best.

“Immediately after the exhibition ended, my mother told me that there should not be any repeats,” he shared.

“She told me just because one show worked well, does not mean the creativity should stop.

“Then, my father gave me the idea to start going for walks, open up and see Mother Nature since it is giving us so much that we are not perceptively seeing.

“This was how my series of photographs that you can see today during the exhibition came from,” highlighted Peris.

Find the light

Taking the writer through a series of photographs on display, Choy expressed his fondness for using the wabi-sabi approach where most of his works relate to it, a world view centred on the acceptance of transience and imperfection.

Favouring the zone system process, famously developed by Ansel Adams and Fred Archer, Choy explains the commitment he took to complete his works.

“For the ‘Nothing lasts, Nothing is finished, Nothing is perfect’ and ‘Now’, these two photos may look easy but the process is very tedious.

“For the former, I was attempting to capture the lotus (plant) and present it in an abstract form using handmade mulberry paper, which is known to be tricky and I think I tested it out about sixteen times before achieving the final output.

“For the latter photograph, I spent nearly an hour sitting, squatting in the pond to create it. To capture the photo perfectly, the water had to be still, with no ripples.

According to Choy, these are just calculative decisions made because I don’t do much processing on my photographs.

“What you see is what you get. Patience is key in zone system photography technique, and I am a very patient person,” he expressed.

“I need to know what I am getting into before I start photographing a work, and I would roughly know the geographic location of where the landscape(s) would be. However, that does not mean it is my creative intent.

“What I often do is chase after the light. Wherever the light falls, then that is where my subject would be captured,” explained Choy.

He owes much of his passion for artistry to my family. “My father is a charcoal artist, my mother is a musician, and my grandparents dabble in Chinese calligraphy and beadwork. So all these artistic forms inspired me to experiment.”

Mother Nature’s Art is showing at Sutra Gallery. Those interested in purchasing the exhibits can contact the gallery at 03-40211092 or 019-3331092.

source – The Vibes

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