Translate today’s smartphone use through hieroglyphic drawings

Translate today’s smartphone use through hieroglyphic drawings

SHAH ALAM: Elements of Ancient Egyptian characters, hieroglyphs and color negative film ( negative film ) combined in the painting ‘Intelligent Imagination + Communication’ are among the interesting works of art highlighted at the Shah Alam Gallery Open Exhibition 2022 (PTGSA22) at the Shah Alam Gallery. , here.

The painter, Salyuddin Yusof, 47, said his work translates the activity of using a smartphone using the concept of Hieroglyphics, which is a medium of communication in Ancient Egypt in the form of symbols and alphabets with a specific meaning.

More interestingly, he said the painting, which took about a month to complete, also used negative photo colors and visitors who wanted to see the actual color combination had to scan the painting using a special camera application on a smartphone.

The uniqueness of the work made the painter from Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu to be selected as one of the five recipients of the Incentive Award at this exhibition.

“I think this idea (Hieroglyphic concept) is unique because if we get the message directly, it’s a bit boring. So, I tried to make it to get attention during the judging process.

“I took more than a month to complete this work by watching many documentaries related to the history of Ancient Egypt, in addition to having experience as a graphic designer for 20 years to process the symbols in this work,” he told reporters here today.

Shah Alam Gallery Assistant Curator Nur Syafiqah Zainal said PTGSA22 this time exhibited 134 works of fine art including two-dimensional paintings and sculptures screened by a panel of judges appointed by Shah Alam Gallery.

He said as many as 200 works were sent for the judging process which covers five aspects namely idea, context, neatness, final work and materials used.

“At the previous exhibition, we faced constraints in terms of sending works following the COVID-19 pandemic, causing us to only accept 100 entries.

“However, the submission of works for this exhibition has doubled, and even the submitted works are of high quality, causing the jury to have difficulty choosing the best art,” he said.

PTGSA22 which was officiated by the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the National Academy of Cultural Arts and Heritage (ASWARA) Suzlee Ibrahim today, is open to the public from 3 to 31 January.

The exhibition was also enlivened by a variety of interesting programs such as live drawing competitions and sketches of the Shah Alam Gallery, in addition to scientific programs such as forums, seminars, character talks and discussions.

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