This is the most influential dog on social media, has 25 million followers & millions of ringgit

This is the most influential dog on social media, has 25 million followers & millions of ringgit

In the age of social media, not only humans can receive the title of influencer but also animals.

And introduced the most influential animal on social media until being appointed as an influencer, which is a dog known by the name of Tucker Budzyn.

Through a study conducted by the company Printed Pet Memories, the dog allegedly received an income of up to RM4.5 million a year as a result of being an influencer on social media.

Tucker is said to have started receiving payments in every delivery since he was two years old. Courtney Budzyn’s dog is now five years old.

“Tucker received payments from RM181 thousand to RM272 thousand for a 30-minute appearance on YouTube while RM100 thousand for three to eight posts on Instagram,” Courtney claimed as reported by The New York Post.

Courtney first featured her dog as a ‘star’ when Tucker was eight weeks old after being born in June 2018.

Tucker was seen doing various activities including wearing shoes, playing and making sure his owner pretended to be dead.

The golden retriever now has 25 million followers across all social media with 11.1 million on TikTok, 5.1 million on YouTube, 4.3 million on Facebook, 3.4 million on Instagram and 62,400 on Twitter.

Courtney and her husband, Mike, have quit their jobs to care for Tucker and their son, Todd, full-time.

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