‘She looks like a diva, but she’s very humble’ – The crew recalled the memory with Adibah Noor

‘She looks like a diva, but she’s very humble’ – The crew recalled the memory with Adibah Noor

REMEMBERING the experience of working with the late Adibah Noor through the Hantu Raya Pergi Perang (HRPP) series, many beautiful memories are still stuck in the memory box of its director, Wan Hasliza Wan Zainuddin.

According to Hasliza, Adibah who plays the character of Datuk Null in HRPP is a committed person and very ‘loyal’ to the character given to her.

“Arwah is an artist who is diligent while working. Not only in HRPP, in our previous dramas he also showed a good attitude throughout the filming.

“For example, she always remember the script she will cast, regardless of the character given.

“If other actors bring the script to the filming set, but she will not. All the dialogues are already in his head. She just wants to be released,” she said .

Co -director, Wan Alauddin Wan Zainuddin, on the other hand, said that the late Adibah Noor was good at carrying herself on the set.

“Let’s say she wants to go up the stairs, she will not ask for help from others, even though she knows she has difficulty moving.

“She said it’s okay, let her go up on his own. And if you want to know, she likes to bring food to the set to be served to all of us.

“Things like this make us feel comfortable working with her. When we go through the editing process, we will definitely remember her, ”he added.

Before closing the conversation, Hasliza had the opportunity to share about Adibah’s behavior which is considered as a person who is always humble and kind to everyone.

“She looks like a diva, but she is very good and easy to get along with people.

“He is good at talking to white people but the fact is that Malays still exist in her. Things like this cause us to remember her forever,” Hasliza closed.

Apart from Adibah Noor, HRPP also stars a line -up of actors such as Hun Haqeem, Sharifah Sakinah, Rashidi Ishak and Azhar Sulaiman.

The new episode of Hantu Raya Pergi Perang is broadcast every Friday. The first episode is FREE, and subscribe as low as RM15.90 a month for the next episode.

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source – Gempak


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