Pusaka brings Awang Batil of Perlis to Esplanade Singapore’s Pesta Raya

Pusaka brings Awang Batil of Perlis to Esplanade Singapore’s Pesta Raya

The event is a celebration of Nusantara’s icons and treasures, highlighting the region’s cultural heritage

Romli Mahamud is the last living master of the Awang Batil tradition of Perlis.

PUSAKA is bringing the unique storytelling experience of the Awang Batil tradition of Perlis to Singapore later this month.

The legendary Awang Batil master Romli Mahamud will perform over three nights from May 19 until May 21 during Pesta Raya at Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay. Pak Romli will perform three stories – one each night – during Pesta Raya.

These stories are Awang Akar Larak, Awang Nakal, and Awang Parang Besar. Pak Romli will perform in the Northern Malay dialect. English synopses of the stories will be made available through QR codes for audiences who wish to read them.

Pesta Raya Malay Arts Festival honours the diversity and richness of the Malay community by showcasing the best of theatre, dance, and music from the Nusantara (Malay Archipelago).

Awang Batil performances were traditionally held at weddings and evening festivities and often continued till dawn. – Cheryl Hoffmann/Pusaka pic

It is a celebration of the community’s icons and treasures, highlighting the vibrant cultural heritage of this region. Awang Batil of Perlis Awang Batil is a traditional form of musical storytelling found in the state of Perlis.

The Awang Batil is a solo performer who narrates his stories as he beats the batil, a brass bowl or belanga, a pot commonly used to store water. The storyteller also plays other instruments such as the violin, serunai, rebana and gendang terinai.

During the narration, the Awang Batil uses two masks, the Hulubalang mask and the Wak Nujum mask, when suitable characters appear in the stories to attract the audiences’ attention.

Some of the most well-known Awang Batil stories include Raja Dewa Lok, Raja Bersiung, Raja Berdarah Putih, Anak Lang Pak Belang, Jabat Jabit, Abu Nawas, Cerita Angan-Angan and Awang Ada Duit Semua Jadi.

The storyteller also plays other instruments such as the violin, serunai, rebana and gendang terinai. – Cheryl Hoffmann/Pusaka pic

Awang Batil performances were traditionally held at weddings and evening festivities and often continued till dawn, with some performances going on for two to five days.

These longer stories are usually told when someone has personally invited the Awang Batil to his home, typically after the rice harvest season.

Pak Romli is the last living master of the Awang Batil tradition of Perlis. He comes from a lineage of Awang Batil storytellers who have passed on their legacy and stories.

His late father, Mahamud Awang Wahid, was the most famous storyteller from Kampung Pokok Sena in Chuping, Perlis. The batil that is used by Pak Romli has been handed down to him and is a relic of his father’s spirit.

Almost all the instruments used were made by Pak Romli and his family before him.

For more details, visit: https://www.esplanade.com/en/whats-on/festivals-and-series/festivals/2023/pesta-raya/program mes/awang-batil-of-perlis.

source – The Vibes


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