PU Riz left special messages and quotes for his son to become a pious child.

PU Riz left special messages and quotes for his son to become a pious child.

Independent preacher and actor, Haris Ismail or PU Riz expressed his gratitude for the presence of his eldest son named Muhammad Bilal.

Calling himself ‘abah’, PU Riz left special messages and quotes for his son to become a pious child.

“Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT gives favors. This child is an asset to heaven, provided umi abah molds it by obeying God’s command.

“Hopefully, Bilal can read later, there is nothing that the father expects from you, unless you become a pious child.

“May Allah destine this son of abah among the pious to be better than abah, God willing,” he said.

The husband of the celebrity Neelofa shared a special quote for his son on his Instagram account.

In the same partnership, PU Riz hopes that his son will be a human being who is obedient to God’s command and does good to his parents.

“Have pity on abah umi as abah umi loves you. God’s pleasure is in the pleasure of the parents and God’s wrath is in both. Which is the most afdal practice? The Prophet said prayer at the beginning of time, prayer at the time.

“Then what? Do good to the mother -in -law. Alhamdullillah Allah presents Insya-Allah assets to the heaven of the prayers of the pious child who is sought. So much so that it is mentioned by the Prophet as an unbroken practice. May the son-in-law be a good person, God willing.

“I just know how much umi abahku loves me. Thank God for this opportunity. I’m a father now. The world passes quickly, “he said.

The couple had their first baby on January 29 after getting married on March 27, 2021.


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