PNM, PBOBM can use copyrighted works without having to get the permission of the owner – MyIPO

PNM, PBOBM can use copyrighted works without having to get the permission of the owner – MyIPO

KUALA LUMPUR: The National Library of Malaysia (PNM) and the Association for the Blind Malaysia (PBOBM) are authorized to make, import, export and issue any accessible format copy of a copyrighted work without the need to obtain permission from the copyright owner.

The Malaysian Intellectual Property Corporation (MyIPO) in a statement today informed that the permission effective today is for the needs of people with printing disabilities and not for profit.

“It follows the amendments that have been enacted, namely Sections 4,5,6 and 10 of the Copyright (Amendment) Act 2022 for provisions involving the Marrakesh treaty,” according to the statement.

PNM and PBOBM are the bodies responsible for managing and providing services in providing accessible format copies to people with printing disabilities.

The two organizations were also gazetted by the Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs as authorized entities under the Copyright (Authorized Entities) Order 2022.

According to MyIPO, the amendment to the act will enable PNM and PBOBM to best serve people with printing disabilities in the country in increasing the production and distribution of copies of accessible formats such as braille, audio, large print, and so on.

source – BERNAMA

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