On the morning of the 1st of Syawal, there are parents waiting at the door hoping their children will take them, but…

On the morning of the 1st of Syawal, there are parents waiting at the door hoping their children will take them, but…

IPOH: Syawal is only a few days away and on that occasion many people do not miss the opportunity to continue the tradition of Eid open house.

Titian Abadi Muslim Home for the Elderly Charity Organization (PEKITA) in Lahat is no exception, here also organizing an open house to celebrate its residents and also the heirs involved.

This year’s 1 Syawal celebration for the 22 elderly people who live in the house seems meaningless because it is understood that most of them do not come home to celebrate with their families or children.

According to the Chairman of PEKITA, Ahmad Wanchik, although he understands the constraints faced by the heirs or family, however, the situation to some extent invites him to cry.

“This year’s Raya, it can be said that many residents did not return with their families to celebrate it. Due to certain problems, family matters and so on.

“A week before Hari Raya Aidilfitri, we did contact all the heirs and ask how the parents are doing, whether they want to take them home or not.

“Some are busy and so on, so let the residents here celebrate Eid with us, the situation is very sad because there are parents waiting at the door and hoping that the children will come and pick them up but they didn’t make it,” he said when met at the event.

Ahmad Wanchik

Based on that, according to Ahmad, the open house celebration was organized to cheer up the residents, thus giving the public an opportunity to socialize with them.

“After two years there was no Eid feast due to COVID-19, so Alhamdulillah this year can be held.

“We also called the surrounding residents, friends and heirs to liven up the atmosphere.

“Actually, sending a parent or family member to a welfare home is not a mistake, no… we can manage it. But when you have sent them, don’t go without visiting them for months and ignore them.

“Not all are like that (neglect), but there are among the heirs who are like that,” he said who has been managing PEKITA for 12 years under the supervision of the Social Welfare Department (JKM).

For one of the 62-year-old female residents, who is only known as Makcik, she only lived in the house last year and did not come home this year.

“Last Eid, my sister and niece came here to visit, I feel normal to welcome Raya. I was sent here by my niece because there was no one around, I just came along” he said, who has never been married.

Unlike Pakndak, 68, who has been living here for seven years, he enjoys the presence of other friends and enjoys daily activities.

“Everything is okay, I enjoy sitting here with many friends. Sometimes I feel sorry for other residents who can’t take care of themselves, I help them what they need.

“Many nieces and nephews come to visit and take care of me, no problem. I want to say it’s sad, not because they come to visit and take me to another sibling’s house,” he said.


Meanwhile, for one of the residents’ heirs known as Khalid, 71, he often visits one of his twin brothers known as Pakcik Zin, aged 73 here.

“My twin brother, one of whom has been living here since 2020 because it is easier to have someone to look after him, he is a mentally disabled person.

“However, me and his other twin often take care of his health and send him to the clinic if necessary, there is no term of neglect and so on,” he said who was present to enliven the celebration of the event.


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