Misha Omar, family recovered from COVID-19: Vaccines and boosters for mild symptoms

Misha Omar, family recovered from COVID-19: Vaccines and boosters for mild symptoms

SINGER Misha Omar announced he was free and cured of COVID-19 infection.

The confession was made through his Instagram page, just now.

“Thank God Kak Mitch is getting better,” he wrote.

The singer Sampai Bila when contacted by Gempak later revealed that she was infected with the virus with her husband, Firos Ezzwan Rosly and their youngest son, Idris, about two weeks ago.

However, the three have now completed their self-quarantine and are confirmed to have fully recovered from COVID-19.

“My husband and Idris were aware that they were infected with COVID-19 after we went to do the test together after Idris had a relatively high fever a few weeks ago.

“The only negative family member in our house is the eldest son, Adam,” Misha revealed.

However, Misha admitted that they did not experience severe symptoms so they did not realize they were infected with the killer virus.

“My husband and I did not experience severe symptoms, except for Idris who had a fever with a rather high temperature. So we didn’t notice we were infected with COVID 19.

“Only now after recovering, I experience symptoms of dizziness. Alhamdulillah, the others are all okay, “added Misha again.

Misha then explained the thing that made them probably not have severe symptoms because they had been fully vaccinated and taken a booster.

“I think a complete vaccine and taking a booster make the symptoms we experience when we are positive for COVID 19 very mild,” he added.

He also advised parents to monitor more closely if their children have a relatively high fever.

“The role of parents is to monitor if their children have a relatively high fever.

“Don’t wait, keep going for the test,” Misha said.

At the same time Misha also prayed that all COVID 19 patients survive to recover and the healthy process is facilitated.

“Hope the process is simplified for all of you and thank you for praying for me and my family as well,” he said.

source – Gempak


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