Jerry Garcia Foundation Launches the Official Jerry Garcia Archive

Jerry Garcia Foundation Launches the Official Jerry Garcia Archive

The Jerry Garcia Archive will be a music community resource that preserves the artistic and historical contributions of one of the most beloved music legends in rock ‘n’ roll history.

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — As a gift to the music community this holiday season, the Jerry Garcia Foundation announces its new venture: the Jerry Garcia Archive. This online resource will be devoted to providing a digital library of historical information about the beloved virtuoso.

Interested fans are invited to contribute digital copies of their artistic creations via the Jerry Garcia Archive website beginning on December 7. This call to artists will create a socially assembled collection and provide the community of Jerry Garcia enthusiasts an opportunity to contribute to the development of this invaluable educational resource.

The archive will comprise cataloged digital images of fan art, news media articles and other materials, including photos, memorabilia, books, artwork, CDs, cassette tapes, videos and record albums.

The foundation is reviewing institutions of higher learning as potential co-management partners for the archive.

A public unveiling of all the material on the archive website will take place on what would have been Jerry’s 80th birthday, August 1, 2022.

“The Jerry Garcia Archive will serve as a vehicle of education and inspiration for the greater community,” said a spokesperson from the Jerry Garcia Foundation. “This project will help further the humanitarian and artistic mission of the foundation.”

In support of the new venture, Jerry’s family members have donated physical copies of previously released books, art, CDs and record albums, as well as personal effects to the Jerry Garcia Archive.

Launched in 2015, the Jerry Garcia Foundation was established as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization to serve philanthropic projects. It honors music’s iconic legend and artist Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead. The foundation has partnered with like-minded nonprofits to support meaningful causes through the beauty of art and music. The creation of the archive will aid in the efforts to store and preserve Jerry Garcia’s prodigious artistic contributions so future generations can garner inspiration and learn from his work.

The Jerry Garcia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports environmental, artistic and humanitarian causes. The foundation was established by Jerry’s family members in 2015, in honor of the musician, artist and visionary.

-Jerry Garcia Archive

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