Jazz Pianist Looks to Make ClassiJazzical as a Modern Style of Music

Jazz Pianist Looks to Make ClassiJazzical as a Modern Style of Music

ClassiJazzical – A Combination of Traditional Classical and Traditional Jazz Fused as One.

Classijazzical (PRNewsfoto/James A Norkawich)

GLASTONBURY, Conn., Aug. 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — It is 2022 and the Summer is ending, yet the music is heating up. James A Norkawich has released an EP entitled “Classical Elements” which highlights two Classical composers, Chopin, and Rachmaninoff. Both works by these immortal composers show not only the depth of their compositions, but also the technicality and diversity of James A Norkawich. Classical music and Jazz have a lot in common even though they are two separate styles of music. Classical music requires a certain skill set of staying on point to the music as written, and there is no room for any other interpretation, whereas Jazz opens the door for improvisation, colorful chord structure and more freedom to move around the instrument.

However, ……

Chopin’s – Winter Wind (Op.25-11) and Rachmaninoff’s Concerto (No.2) 1ST Movement, both display an element that is not only technically challenging, but also displays the improvisational elements that Jazz carries in the context of any given Jazz piece or performance.

James captures the key elements that provide the listener with a sense of excitement and movement while capturing an element of harmony and reality at the same time. This is the first Classical EP by James, and he hopes that this will bring more people to his brand of Jazz, Classical Crossover, and virtually any style he wishes to play on the keys or with his pen on the tablature.

Classical music, as like Jazz, has always been considered a special kind of music for a certain kind of audience. That stigma is something that James would like to break with his own brand and blend of artistic expression. James has had world acclaim with his Classical Crossover brand which is simply classically trained artists doing pop over music but keeping true to form in the style of Classical music.

This style, Classical & Jazz blended, James is trying to brand as ClassiJazzical which could have the beauty of a piece from the artistry of Mozart to the instrumentation of Charlie Parker and Miles Davis. “It has been done before,” James said recently in an interview, “but now were going to take it to new heights never seen or heard by the mainstream music media. We need to think out of the box, develop something new, and be able to leave a legacy to our children, and our grandchildren. Music is what heals the soul. Music is the soundtrack of our lives, so why not make it a good one, and one that has sustenance and tangibility? That is what I am striving for, and I think this EP will show.”

The EP Classical Elements will be available on all Streaming Platforms


Contacts Email [email protected]
Website for James A Norkawich – www.jamesanorkawich.com
Twitter – https://twitter.com/JNorkawichMusic
TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@jamesanorkawich
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Official Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/JamesANorkawich
Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/artist/6qi5IQRl3iahaR75zA6LuD?si=grs8MVfsTGOuPCYsRX3AFg
Amazon Music – https://music.amazon.com/artists/B09W32VGPQ/james-a-norkawich?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&musicTerritory=US&ref=dm_sh_m3sK4yjMp7L1BsdfwJ5fHS46F
Deezer – https://deezer.page.link/ekDRVg4mFX7vHyHP8
I-Tunes – https://music.apple.com/us/artist/james-a-norkawich/1615404089
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCruW2ckvS-OYoNRqIQsSJGA

SOURCE – James A Norkawich


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