‘If the concerts of foreign artists are full…’ – Erma Fatima regrets that the religious program is not well received

‘If the concerts of foreign artists are full…’ – Erma Fatima regrets that the religious program is not well received

DIRECTOR Erma Fatima was disappointed because her struggle in organizing an Islamic-style program was seen as not getting a favorable response from the public.

Erma said, it is not easy to organize such a program let alone a paid one.

“Because we are used to the ‘ free ‘ (free). I once went through it when I did the Sirah Junjungan theater at Istana Budaya.

“It’s sad even though our intention is to ‘ upgrade ‘ (enhance) the quality of religious ceremonies to the same ‘ standard ‘ as regular concerts that have a full stage,” he wrote.

Erma shared the matter on her Instagram account.

In another sharing, Erma said, she is strange when people don’t complain if they buy tickets to watch concerts involving outside artists.

“When a concert by an outside artist is full, we get a ‘ complaint ‘ here and there. But when it’s a knowledge event like this, it’s still a ‘ complaint .’

“Buy a knowledge council ticket for as low as RM35, what’s the big deal, right?” write it

However, Erma said, she really appreciates those who have already bought tickets for the Cahaya Israk & Mikraj Islamic program.


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