‘If it is a sustenance for them, let them have it’ – Search choose to move on, will captivate fans in Endemic concert

‘If it is a sustenance for them, let them have it’ – Search choose to move on, will captivate fans in Endemic concert

TWO groups with the same name, “Search”, some of which are still members of the old machinery that was split in two, have made hardcore fans of the country’s legendary group ‘quarrel’.

Not a few views and criticism were thrown, even the vocalist, Amy was attacked with various insults not only among fans but local art activists themselves.

As the most influential rock group in Malaysia, Search with most of its members over the age of 55 and above besides over 40 years of conquering the music market should not face the issue of Search 1, Search 2; that is at least the issue that is the conversation.

Reluctant to look back and take the fuss over the use of the same name, Search who is now back with the original members including Amy, Man Kidal, Nasir and Hillary chose to be professional.

What’s more important for Search now is the work they want to present to fans.

“I always take it easy. In life there will always be guesswork.

“As long as you take it (allegedly) be generous and calm down there will always be sustenance.
“His sustenance he eats, our sustenance, we eat.

“If people are still talking about this issue, I will put it aside.

“I’m already 64, I take it positively.

“Believe in God,” said Amy without wanting to deny criticism and public opinion on the Search branding crisis.

Because of that, a single almost greeted the ears of the fans and a large -scale concert plan was just implemented.

“So with this we announce that Search will perform our first large -scale concert after the pandemic entitled Search Endemic Concert on June 4.

“It will be held at Zepp Hall Network Inc with LOL Asia as the organizer.

“In this concert, fans will also be heard for the first time our first single, Endemic, live,” added Amy in a casual meeting with the media at the breaking of fast ceremony with Search and students of the Al Bayan tahfiz center in Kuala Lumpur, yesterday.

At Zepp Hall as well, Search vowed to give a best performance as a cure for longing for all fans. What’s more, the value of this concert exceeds the budget of RM1 million.

“The audience will see Search with the original formation and something more mature. This will also be a new benchmark for us and our entertainment world, ”said Search again.

source – Gempak


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