Husband has recovered, Nourul is also positive for COVID-19

Husband has recovered, Nourul is also positive for COVID-19

SINGER who now lives in Bali, Indonesia, Nourul Wahab, 44, informed that after her husband, Eric Depp was free of COVID-19, she was infected with the virus.

Nourul said he was now isolated and was undergoing a quarantine period at their residence there.

However, according to Nourul, she did not experience severe symptoms, only a fever and a rise in body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius last Saturday.

Nourul added that she was thankful that his three children were not infected with the virus after doing a self -test.

“Take his turn. As long as it’s not children. The kids are all negative. Alhamdulillah. We were negative for the PCR test as well as for the antigen.
“Only yesterday there was a real fever. Morning is antigen positive. So precautions: quarantine, “he said.

Nourul or her real name, Nurul Huda Abdul Wahab and her husband, Eric Daniel Depp were married in 2012 and were blessed with three children, namely Zachary, 9, Raphael, 7, and Isabella, 3.
Meanwhile, through her previous marriage with composer Ajai, Nourul was blessed with a child, Ayu Nazirah, 24.


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