FREE Music Lessons to Celebrate 7th Annual Teach Music Week – 1000+ Locations

FREE Music Lessons to Celebrate 7th Annual Teach Music Week – 1000+ Locations

PHILADELPHIA, March 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The 7th Annual Teach Music Week will be celebrated Monday, March 15th through Sunday, March 21st. This annual week-long holiday invites musicians, music schools, music stores and other music organizations to offer a free lesson or class to new students (both kids & adults). This year, over 1,000 locations in fifteen countries will participate including the U.S., Australia, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, India, Ireland, Japan, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Teach Music Week is celebrated annually during the 3rd week of March to coincide with national Music in Our Schools Month®. Anyone interested in learning to play an instrument is encouraged to seek out a participating location or musician friend to help get them started. Teach Music Week also invites public, private and charter schools to schedule activities that will encourage more students to sign up for music, band and chorus classes.

Vincent James, co-founder of Keep Music Alive states: “We all know that the biggest hurdle to doing something is often just getting started. With Teach Music Week, we are hoping to inspire a new generation of musicians who will continue reaping the educational, therapeutic and social benefits of playing music, long after the month of March is over.”

Keep Music Alive is honored to welcome the following music brands as partners for the 6th Annual Teach Music Week: Alfred Music, Casio, Conn-Selmer, D’Addario Foundation, Hungry For Music, Kala Brand Music, Music & Sounds Retailer, Musical U, Remo and Rock Out Loud LIVE. Together, they are helping to share the Teach Music Week message, inspiring more children and adults to begin their musical journey. Music & Arts, the largest music lesson provider in the country, will participate in Teach Music Week by hosting two free Group lessons for Beginner and Intermediate Guitar on Saturday, March 20th at participating stores with over 220 locations nationwide (

Individual locations from additional chains participating this year include Long & McQuade, Kindermusik, Gymboree Play & Music, Music Together and the legendary School of Rock. Keep Music Alive is also grateful for grant support received from the Les Paul Foundation and Music Nomad Equipment Care. For more information or to find participating locations, please visit or contact Vincent James at (610) 874-6312 and [email protected].

Keep Music Alive is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to promoting the value of music: educationally, therapeutically and overall making us a happier society. To support this mission, they created two international music holidays: Teach Music Week (3rd week in March) and Kids Music Day (1st Friday in October). Each year, Keep Music Alive partners with hundreds of music school and retail locations to celebrate by offering free music lessons and holding numerous community events including open houses, student music performances, instrument petting zoos, community jams, instrument donation drives and more. For more information, please visit

Rock Out Loud LIVE is the new Virtual Music Lesson Platform offering an interactive experience with signficant latency reduction compared to Zoom – Now being utilized by over 4,000 music teachers worldwide.

Music in Our Schools Month® is a registered trademark owned by the National Association for Music Education (

SOURCE Keep Music Alive

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