Fans prayed for Anuar Zain before leaving for Syria
The latest appearance of popular singer, Anuar Zain with short hair while at the airport before leaving for Syria attracted the attention of netizens.
In a post on Instagram, Anuar in a red shirt accompanied by family members and acquaintances looked cheerful before embarking on a humanitarian mission with Syria Care for the Ramadan Al Khair 10.0 Campaign.
“Thank you for sending it to the airport. See you in the near future,” wrote Anuar.
In the comments section, the average praised the skills of the singer of the song Lelaki Ini who looks neater with the image of her short hair.
“Alamak. Rambut K-pop. Be safe, next time I’ll join you!
“Wow, cut your hair …
“Rambut baru… safe flight.
“Nice haircut. Hopefully simplified there,” wrote some users on Instagram Anuar.
In the mission, Syria Care will go to several locations in Lebanon including Tripoli and Arsal which have many Syrian refugees living in poor conditions.
The humanitarian aid aims to collect RM4.1 million to be distributed to a target of 720,000 beneficiaries from April 15 to May 2, 2022.
However, Syria care still welcomes donations and sponsorships from corporate companies, agencies and organizations to work together to raise funds.
Donations can be made through Syria Care bank accounts namely Maybank (562106653575) and CIMB (8601894560).
Among the additional initiatives undertaken through OderFood, an online food ordering and delivery method with several food aid packages and prices.
i. RM15.00 for iftar set.
A dish of arabic rice, chicken, beans, salad, fruits and yogurt drinks that can be enjoyed by 3 people.
ii. RM150.00 for a box of dried food packs.
Basic food items such as rice, whole grains, bread, cooking oil, sugar, salt, pasta, flour, beans, canned food, cheese and others as needed for the benefit of a family.
The steps to make a donation through OderFood are as follows:
i. Visit www.oderfood.my
ii. Choose your order package
▶️ OderFood 15 (set iftar)
️ OderFood 150 (pack of dry food)
iii. Complete the payment.
iv. Your order will be shipped to Syria.
source- Gempak