Dian Sastrowardoyo is currently a lecturer

Dian Sastrowardoyo is currently a lecturer

Dian Sastro who is also an actor in the movie Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? now holds the title of guest lecturer who teaches or guides students twice in one semester at the University of Indonesia.

A FEW days ago, Indonesian netizens became uproarious when a TikTok user who is also a student from the University of Indonesia, Fikri Ramadhani displayed something very ‘valuable’.

Through the sharing, Fikri has uploaded a moment of himself waiting for his turn to meet and discuss the subjects taken with a lecturer.

What made netizens uncomfortable was when they saw that the lecturer who was a woman was actually a famous actress from their homeland, Dian Sastrowardoyo.

Dian Sastro is a very famous actress after her acting movie, Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? became a phenomenon more than 15 years ago.

Through the partnership, Dian is believed to be teaching one of the film-related subjects for students majoring in a diploma.

She was seen giving explanations to Fikri in the academic room.

Dian even became the talk of the town because of her appearance which is far from the glamorous world, instead she was seen wearing simple clothes complete with a backpack.

“From just watching in the movies, it is now in front of our eyes,” said Fikri as reported by Kompas.

His sharing then became hot among netizens.

Some left a comment that read: “Going to college feels like a meet and greet.”

In fact, there are no less netizens who claim to have just found out that Dian is a lecturer.

Through Detik.com, Dian is known to be a guest lecturer who teaches or guides students twice in one semester.

She who was also a graduate from the University of Indonesia before continuing his studies at another higher education center was responsible for teaching about film.


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