Budget 2023: MOTAC asks for help, subsidies for players in the tourism industry
SIMUNJAN (Sarawak): The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) hopes that more assistance and subsidies will be given to players in the tourism industry through the 2023 Budget which is expected to be presented this October.
Its minister, Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri, said the matter should be considered by the Ministry of Finance (MOF) especially considering the positive impact of the tourism industry on the country’s economy as a whole.
In addition, she hopes that focus will also be given to efforts to upgrade the country’s tourism infrastructure so that it is of better quality.
“I ask that this matter be taken into account because if the tourism industry is indirectly helped, activities in other sectors such as transport, food and sales will be better because of the mobility of tourists.
“When all this happens, the country’s economy as a whole will be more vibrant and improve,” he told reporters after attending the Esplanade Simunjan launch ceremony, here, today.
On 15 August, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob was reported to have said that the 2023 Budget will continue to emphasize the welfare of the Malaysian Family as well as take into account the country’s readiness to face the possibility of a more challenging global economic crisis.
source – BERNAMA