“All the fabricated slander I will…” – Farid Kamil denied all Diana Danielle’s allegations

“All the fabricated slander I will…” – Farid Kamil denied all Diana Danielle’s allegations

FOLLOWING the claims and accusations made by his wife actress Diana Danielle on Insta Story on Monday, actor Farid Kamil appeared to deny it.

Farid claimed that all the accusations thrown by his wife contradicted the police report made by him.

“Assalamualaikum as a general information on Diana Lee Beeson’s statement on IG story. All the fabricated accusations and slander, I will present and will be heard by the court.

“This is because Diana’s statement that is displayed contradicts the police report that has been made,” said Farid.

Earlier, Diana revealed that her husband, who is also an actor Farid Kamil, has not paid alimony for four months and even owes her.

Farid was also accused of breaking his promise to pay back all the costs of going to perform Umrah last February, even though the actor was able to buy a new car and the missing wedding ring.

On the same sharing, Diana revealed that their daughter, Nur Aurora, was traumatized by Farid’s actions of yelling and scolding her.

On March 10, Diana or her real name is Diana Danielle Danny Beeson filed for divorce at the Petaling Syariah Lower Court, Subang Bestari.

The reason given by the Imaginur movie actor is that there is no understanding, there has been a shiqaq or a prolonged argument and they can no longer live together as husband and wife.

However, Farid refused to divorce Diana.

Accordingly, Syarie Judge Shukran Yusof ordered Farid and Diana to undergo the Conciliation Committee (JKP) process on March 28.

For information, Farid and Diana got married on November 3, 2012 and were blessed with two children namely Muhammad and Aurora.


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