Ahmad Idham appointed as Head of Information of GTA political party in Negeri Sembilan
KUALA LUMPUR: Former chief executive officer of the National Film Development Corporation (Finas), Ahmad Idham Ahmad Nadzri has confirmed that he has been appointed as the Head of Information for the Land Movement (GTA) of Negeri Sembilan.
He explained that the announcement was made by Negeri Sembilan GTA Chairman Zamani Ibrahim during a meeting of the movement held in Seremban, on Sunday.
“I was moved when I was informed that the work of Ahmad Idham’s Special Education Hub, which I founded and moved in Port Dickson through the Prihatin Brigade Organization, has made an impact in the eyes of the community.
“In addition, it is also one of the factors assessed by the highest leadership of Gerakan Tanah Air (GTA) in Negeri Sembilan before making the decision to announce this appointment.
“However, this appointment is not something to be proud of, rather the position given to me is a trust and a responsibility that I must shoulder well,” he said in a statement on Facebook.
Ahmad Idham said, through the appointment, it gives a clear picture that the Gerakan Tanah Air is not just a coalition between political parties but rather it also brings together non-governmental organizations (NGOs), professional groups and individuals.
“The proof is that I, as the Chairman of the Prihatin Brigade Organization, was appointed without having to join any political party.
“I am committed to continuing to convey to the community that the Tanah Air Movement is not just a combination of political party rhetoric as advertised, but rather it is a people’s movement for the people to raise up credible Malay Muslim leaders without being tied to party politics,” he said.
On August 4, GTA Sponsor Chairman, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad announced the establishment of GTA with the participation of four parties namely Pejuang, Berjasa, Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia (Putra) and Parti Perikatan India Muslim Nasional (Iman) and is open to non-governmental organizations (NGOs). , individuals, academics and professionals in Malay circles.
source – Afiezy Azaman